Jay E. Maddock
Regents Professor, Texas A&M UniversityProfile URL
Jay Maddock, PhD, FAAHB, is a professor in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health at the School of Public Health at Texas A&M University. He is the Co-Director of the Center for Health & Nature and serves on the Brazos County Board of Health.
Dr. Maddock previously served in a variety of leadership roles including Dean of the School of Public Health at Texas A&M and Department Head of Public Health Sciences at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. He was named the Bank of Hawai'i Community Leader of the Year in addition to receiving the Award of Excellence from the American Public Health Association, Council on Affiliates. He has chaired the Hawaii state board of health and served as President of the American Academy of Health Behavior and Honorary Secretary of the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health. He is the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Healthy Eating and Active Living.
His research has been featured in several national media outlets including The Today Show, Le Monde, BBC, CNN, Eating Well, Prevention and Good Housekeeping and he has authored over 130 scientific articles which have been cited over 5,000 times. He is internationally recognized for his research in social-ecological approaches to increasing physical activity and has given invited lectures in numerous countries including Australia, South Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, Indonesia, El Salvador, Austria and Brazil and has held honorary Professorships at two universities in China.
He has served as principal investigator on over $18 million in extramural funding. Dr. Maddock received his undergraduate degree in psychology and sociology, magna cum laude, from Syracuse University and his Master's and Doctorate degrees in experimental psychology from the University of Rhode Island.
Research Article
An application of protection motivation theory to understand the influence of fear-appeal media on stated donations for coral reef restoration
| Tourism Management | Volume 100: 104797
Research Article
Favorable Neighborhood Walkability is Associated With Lower Burden of Cardiovascular Risk Factors Among Patients Within an Integrated Health System: The Houston Methodist Learning Health System Outpatient Registry
| Current Problems in Cardiology | Volume 48, Issue 6 (June 2023)
Research Article
Effects of trail and greenspace exposure on hospitalisations in a highly populated urban area: retrospective cohort study of the Houston Bayou Greenways program
| Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability | Volume 28, Issue 3 (2023): 365-378
Research Article
Development and Validation of an Attitude Toward Spending Time in Nature Scale
| Ecopsychology | Volume 14, Issue 3
Research Article
Development and validation of self-efficacy and intention measures for spending time in nature
| BMC Psychology | Volume 10, issue 1 (December 2022): 51
Research Article
Observational Park-based physical activity studies: A systematic review of the literature
| Preventive Medicine | Volume 89: 257–277