Joshua J. Lawler
Professor, University of WashingtonProfile URL
Josh Lawler is an ecologist driven by applied conservation questions and their real-world applications, with climate change at the root. In particular, he is interested in how climate change can drive shifts in plant and animal distributions, and the impacts those shifts have at both the species and the ecosystem level. He uses a combination of field experiments and statistical and simulation modeling techniques, and works with collaborators to design tools that conservation planners can use to assess the impacts that climate change will have on protected landscapes. Additionally, he studies how climate change affects not only animals and plants, but also people, in this case through the loss of ecosystem services such as carbon storage, as well as the ways that human health, climate, and environment are connected.
Research Article
Time Spent Interacting with Nature Is Associated with Greater Well-Being for Girl Scouts Before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic
| Land | Land: Volume 12, Issue 7 (July 2023): 1303
Research Article
The relationship between natural environments and subjective well-being as measured by sentiment expressed on Twitter
| Landscape and Urban Planning | Volume 227: 104539
Research Article
Inequitable Changes to Time Spent in Urban Nature during COVID-19: A Case Study of Seattle, WA with Asian, Black, Latino, and White Residents
| Land | Volume 11, Issue 8: 1277
Research Article
An ecosystem service perspective on urban nature, physical activity, and health
| Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) | Volume 118, Number 22
Research Article
Nature and mental health: An ecosystem service perspective
| Science Advances | Volume 5, Issue 7
Research Article
Nature Contact and Human Health: A Research Agenda
| Environmental Health Perspectives | Volume 125, Issue 7 (July 2017): 075001