Gregory Bratman

Gregory N. Bratman

Assistant Professor, University of WashingtonProfile URL

Gregory Bratman is the director of the Environment and Well-Being Lab. His work takes place at the nexus of psychology, public health and ecology, and is focused on investigating the ways in which the environment is associated with human well-being. He takes both empirical and theoretical approaches to understand how nature experience impacts human mental well-being, specifically cognitive function, mood and emotion regulation, with an emphasis on people living in urban environments. He is also working to inform the ways that the mental health effects of nature can be incorporated into ecosystem service studies, and in efforts to address health inequities. Gregory is a JPB Harvard Environmental Health Fellow and the Doug Walker Endowed Professor.


Research Article

Forest therapy as a trauma-informed approach to disaster recovery: Insights from a wildfire-affected community

| PLOS Climate | PLOS Climate: e0000096

Research Article

Nature contact and general health: Testing multiple serial mediation pathways with data from adults in 18 countries

| Environment International | Volume 178 (August 2023): 108077

Research Article

Time Spent Interacting with Nature Is Associated with Greater Well-Being for Girl Scouts Before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic

| Land | Land: Volume 12, Issue 7 (July 2023): 1303

Research Article

Urban green space and mental health among people living alone: The mediating roles of relational and collective restoration in an 18-country sample

| Environmental Research | Volume 232: 116324

Research Article

Black Bodies and Green Spaces: Remembering the Eminence of Nature During a Pandemic

| Global Culture and Sport Series | Sport and Physical Culture in Global Pandemic Times: 213-240

Research Article

Unsheltered Homelessness in Public Natural Areas Across an Urban-to-Wildland System: Institutional Perspectives

| Society & Natural Resources | Volume 36, Issue 8: 947-969

Research Article

Emotion regulation and virtual nature: cognitive reappraisal as an individual-level moderator for impacts on subjective vitality

| Scientific Reports | Scientific Reports: 5028

Research Article

Different types of virtual natural environments enhance subjective vitality through restorativeness

| Journal of Environmental Psychology | Volume 87: 101981

Research Article

Applying an ecosystem services framework on nature and mental health to recreational blue space visits across 18 countries

| Scientific Reports | Scientific Reports: 2209

Research Article

Daily exposure to virtual nature reduces symptoms of anxiety in college students

| Scientific Reports | Scientific Reports: 1239

Research Article

Mechanisms underlying childhood exposure to blue spaces and adult subjective well-being: An 18-country analysis

| Journal of Environmental Psychology | Volume 84: 101876

Research Article

Development and Validation of an Attitude Toward Spending Time in Nature Scale

| Ecopsychology | Volume 14, Issue 3

Research Article

Nature and Health: Perspectives and Pathways

| Ecopsychology | Volume 14, Issue 3: 133-136

Research Article

Inequitable Changes to Time Spent in Urban Nature during COVID-19: A Case Study of Seattle, WA with Asian, Black, Latino, and White Residents

| Land | Volume 11, Issue 8: 1277

Research Article

The psychological impact of the COVID-19 lockdown in Italy: The moderating role of gender and emotion regulation

| Health Care for Women International | Volume 44, Issue 7-8: 885-902

Research Article

Stress recovery from virtual exposure to a brown (desert) environment versus a green environment

| Journal of Environmental Psychology | Volume 81

Research Article

Development and validation of self-efficacy and intention measures for spending time in nature

| BMC Psychology | Volume 10, issue 1 (December 2022): 51

Research Article

Association between residential greenness during childhood and trait emotional intelligence during young adulthood: A retrospective life course analysis in the United States

| Health & Place | Volume 74, March 2022: 102755

Research Article

What can we do when the smoke rolls in? An exploratory qualitative analysis of the impacts of rural wildfire smoke on mental health and wellbeing, and opportunities for adaptation

| BMC Public Health | Volume 22, Issue 1 (December 2022): 41

Research Article

Nature at work: The effects of day-to-day nature contact on workers’ stress and psychological well-being

| Urban Forestry & Urban Greening | Volume 66: 127404

Research Article

Nature and Children’s Health: A Systematic Review

| Pediatrics | Volume 148, Issue 4 (October 2021): e2020049155

Research Article

Nature versus urban hiking for Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder: a pilot randomised trial conducted in the Pacific Northwest USA

| BMJ Open | Volume 11, Issue 9: e051885

Research Article

The affective benefits of nature exposure

| Social and Personality Psychology Compass | Volume 15, Issue 8

Research Article

An ecosystem service perspective on urban nature, physical activity, and health

| Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) | Volume 118, Number 22

Research Article

Associations between green/blue spaces and mental health across 18 countries

| Scientific Reports | Scientific Reports: 8903

Research Article

Affective Benefits of Nature Contact: The Role of Rumination

| Frontiers in Psychology | Volume 12

Research Article

Associations of Residential Brownness and Greenness with Fasting Glucose in Young Healthy Adults Living in the Desert

| International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | Volume 18, Issue 2: 520

Research Article

Results from an 18 country cross-sectional study examining experiences of nature for people with common mental health disorders

| Scientific Reports | Scientific Reports: 19408

Research Article

The affective benefits of nature exposure: What's nature got to do with it?

| Journal of Environmental Psychology | Volume 72: 101498

Research Article

Affective reactions to losses and gains in biodiversity: Testing a prospect theory approach

| Journal of Environmental Psychology | Volume 72: 101502

Research Article

Research Note: Residential distance and recreational visits to coastal and inland blue spaces in eighteen countries

| Landscape and Urban Planning | Volume 198 (June 2020): 103800

Research Article

Nature and mental health: An ecosystem service perspective

| Science Advances | Volume 5, Issue 7

Research Article

Are California Elementary School Test Scores More Strongly Associated With Urban Trees Than Poverty?

| Frontiers in Psychology | Volume 9: 2074

Research Article

Nature Contact and Human Health: A Research Agenda

| Environmental Health Perspectives | Volume 125, Issue 7 (July 2017): 075001

Research Article

Nature experience reduces rumination and subgenual prefrontal cortex activation

| Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) | Volume 112, Number 28: 8567-8572

Research Article

The benefits of nature experience: Improved affect and cognition

| Landscape and Urban Planning | Volume 138: 41-50

Research Article

The impacts of nature experience on human cognitive function and mental health

| Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences | Volume 1249, Issue 1: 118-136