
Destination Rehab

PO Box 8316Bend, OR 97708

Started in January 2016


Destination Rehab is a physical therapy clinic specializing in working with people with neurologic conditions. Lacking a brick and mortar location, Destination Rehab offers a variety of outdoor locations as their ‘clinic’ such as parks associated with the local Parks and Recreation system as well as local waterways and trails.

Categories ProgramAdaptive SportsAdultsCommunity & AdvocacyOlder AdultsTherapeutic

Program Details

Program Mission

The mission of Destination Rehab is to empower adults with neurologic conditions to experience outdoor adventure in beautiful Central Oregon. Our team provides an array of services including one-on-one physical therapy and community programs to promote health, independence, and community reintegration to the neurologic population. This model recognizes that a neurologic diagnosis is a lifelong condition and seeks to provide support programs to those with these diagnoses to continue with a healthy lifestyle and adventures.

We empower individuals with neurologic conditions to embrace life by building confidence, peer support, connection to nature and health resilience. We create an intentional and meaningful community, resourcing our participants through health education, rehabilitation services, wellness groups, advanced equipment and a network of support.

Contact Amy Briley, Lead Physical Therapist and Site Coordinator of Clinical Education 541-241-6052 Destination Rehab website

Staff Composition

 The organization is staffed by:

  • five physical therapists (4 of the therapists are board certified in neurology)
  • one development manager
  • one director of operations
  • one clinic and program coordinator
  • one part time grant writer
  • two part time administrative staff

Destination Rehab is supported by six board members and over 30 volunteers

Program Description

We are a physical therapy clinic specializing in 1:1 treatment of people with neurologic conditions. We do not have a brick and mortar clinic, but instead use a variety of outdoor locations to connect with our patients in nature. Our ‘clinic’ includes local parks associated with the Parks and Recreation system as well as local waterways and trails. During colder months, extreme heat days, or days where the smoke conditions and air quality is not good for sensitive groups, we have indoor options for therapy including local gyms and community centers. 

We have special planned days throughout the year to take clients kayaking, paddleboarding, or snowshoeing. A program called Vacation with a Purpose for people who don’t live in our service area is also offered. We can customize physical therapy for patients who want to visit for a few days or a few weeks so that they can access the outdoors while achieving their mobility goals and trialing our equipment. 

In addition to 1:1 treatment sessions billed through insurance, we also offer group programs that offer community, continued fitness and that are integrated into nature.

Our group programs include:

  • Adventure Group — Seasonal group meeting that meets once weekly week for 2-3 hours from May- October. Each week offers various outings such as hikes, kayaking, cycling, and museum visits. Each participant is eligible to bring a support person, which offers support people important opportunities to connect with one another.
  • PEAK Fitness and PEAK Redmond — Each program meets twice weekly for 1 hour to do two different types of group exercise like high intensity interval training, and core and mobility exercise. We have found the community-social structure aspect of PEAK Fitness is just as beneficial than the exercise itself. 
  • Balance and Coordination (Health Workshops) — A six-week workshop designed to work on balance and coordination with others experiencing similar challenges and to also focus on other aspects of health and wellbeing.
  • Rock Climbing — An eight-week group for people who are interested in rock climbing. The goals are set to help people learn to climb independently (without the help of a therapist) and in group settings. 
  • Pickleball for Parkinson’s (or just Pickleball) — Our newest newest program, is currently limited to Parkinson’s however there are plans to expand this group to all people with a neurologic diagnosis. 
  • Walking Soccer for People with Parkinson’s is another fun, exercise forward group we provide to the community.

Future plans of Destination Rehab include:

  • Campus expansion — outdoor based rehab center
  • Adventure group that is more accessible to wheelchair users
  • Expansion to more rural Oregon towns of Madras and Prineville — sending a therapist for 1:1 and group programs
  • Increase group programs and offerings

Cost to Participate

  • Physical therapy appointments are covered by insurance. 
  • Our community program offerings, have a cost but nearly 80% of participants receive grant and donor funded scholarships. 
  • Free educational classes are offered throughout the year, which are typically grant funded.

Destination Rehab serves over 150 individuals in our physical therapy program and combined with group programs, serves over 250 individuals annually. Donations, grant funding, and sponsorships support our group wellness programs, so cost is never a barrier for participants. Our group programs include Adventure Group, PEAK Fitness, pickleball and rock-climbing. Funding from individuals and businesses also helps us purchase new equipment, keep our current equipment in great shape with regular maintenance, provide FREE community education events, cover administrative costs such as phones and computers, and keeps Van Morrison (our Adventure van) in top shape.

Recent Case Studies

Low wooden balance beam structures for children are scattered throughout a grove of fledgling trees. Full-grown trees stand tall in the back of the grove.


The Orchard at White Street Park

The Orchard at White Street Park was designed to combine the enjoyment of edible fruit with play features rooted in the natural playground movement. 

Vibrant plants and trees with fall foliage border a playground. The playground colors are muted in shades of green and browns.


Ed Barsis Park at Four Hills Village

Located in a part of Albuquerque, NM that previously lacked public parks, the Ed Barsis neighborhood park is an inviting ecosystem of play that provides children and adults with limitless sense of connection and exploration.

A young boy with blonde hair sits in a small plastic sled in a shallow stream surrounded by lush foliage. Holding a stick and wearing a red shirt and black pants he is enjoying an outdoor adventure.


ConnectByNature Therapy Services

ConnectbyNature Therapy Services provides programs to promote biophilic health™ and optimize child development by fostering a deep connection between children and nature.